Polishing jewelry using ultrasound

The secret that attracts people to jewelry is its brilliant shine and the shades of its bright lights, which makes the process of polishing jewelry very important to highlight the beauty and mastery of jewelry designs, it is sure that no one will like a piece of jewelry that is not specular and shiny, and it will lose its beauty and precious value over time, so we chose for you This article is to know the latest techniques of polishing jewelry using ultrasound. Follow us to know the most important details:


  • What is an ultrasonic jewelry polishing device?

It is a jewelry cleaning and polishing device that uses a mixture of ultrasound and chemicals to get rid of dirt, deformation and oil, and polish all the details of metal jewelry pieces. It uses high-frequency waves to remove any unwanted or weird particles from jewelry pieces, by creating bubbles that gently cling to the piece, and then excite the liquid bubbles that produce high forces that eliminate impurities or suspended dust, making it appear shiny and free from any contaminants.


  • What are the advantages of ultrasound jewelry polishing?

It can access all the particles that you will not be able to reach manually, it can also clean and polish most minerals and gemstones and get a professional quality look.


  • Ultrasound jewelry polishing steps

Gloves should be worn to ensure the hands are free of chemicals, then the cleaning solution is mixed with water in a percentage of 1.9 so that the high concentration of the cleaning agents does not cause scratches on the surface of the jewelry piece to interact with it.

The appropriate time and temperature for your jewelry will be determined by its degree of dirt.

The jewelry is placed inside the basket and is made sure to distribute it evenly so that contact with it does not cause scratches on the surface.

The cleaning device is turned on and left to work until the prescribed time is complete, and after it is finished leave the jewelry for 5 or 10 minutes immersed in the cleaner to avoid any dirt or dust remaining on its surface.

The jewelry is removed from the basket and rinsed well under cold water to clean it from the effects of the cleaning solution, and then dried with a soft-touch cloth.


By implementing the previous steps, we have finished the process of cleaning and polishing jewelry, and you can now enjoy its luster, the magic of its shine, and the details of its delicate designs with a distinctive luster.


You can also join one of our training programs at the first professional academy in the jewelry design and manufacturing sector in Istanbul Varna Jewelry Academy to gain the craftsmanship and experience you need according to the latest technology in the world of jewelry and gem design.